My Achievement Badge (App Home Page)
The Achievement Badge tile will show all the achievement badges available in the mobile app.
Achievement Badge Information
- Achieved Badges - appear in the app color to show they have been achieved; tapping on the badge will open a pop-up screen with achievement information (see information below).
- Unachieved Badges - appear in gray to show they have not been achieved; tapping on the badge will open a pop-up screen with information on how to achieve the badge (see information below).
- View More Badges - select the down arrow to see more badges.
- This will only appear if there are more than 6 badges available in the mobile app,
Unachieved Badges Pop-up
Unachieved Badge Information
- Details for achieving the Badge - information is provided to outline what must be completed to achieve the badge.
- Call to Action Button - the button will take you to the area in the mobile app to complete the badge.
Achieved Badge Pop-up
Achieved Badge Information
- Congratulations Message - congratulatory messages on achieving the badge.
- Call to Action Button - the button will take you to the Send Message feature to ask friends and family to support you.
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